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Apter Power provides ABB spare parts and service. We provide a full one year warranty on ABB parts, including new original, discontinued inventory and refurbished parts.

Search our inventory for the ABB part number you need, or select a ABB part number below to see our live stock levels. If you don't find the part you need, please contact us and we will be able to source the part for you.

We reserve thousands of automation and control spare parts which are produced by leading Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), supporting you an all-encompassing view through a single channel.
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Model Manufacturer Backup model Description Availability 12-month warranty Immediate dispatch Global delivery
SNAZ-747D ABB Control Unit Interface Module Drive Panel Control Unit Inquiry
QHPI102 ABB YL765001-AC/1 ASEA Module Inquiry
QHFG205 ABB YL621001-BE QHFG-205 QHFG205 Alarm Module Inquiry
PFBK103 ABB YM114001-MR Asea PFBK103 Module Inquiry
PFBK102 ABB Asea PFBK102 Module Inquiry
PFBK101 ABB YM114001-GF Asea PFBK Module Inquiry
GNT 2020344 R1 ABB BO1001/D GN299048509 Display Power Control Panel Inquiry
DSTY101 ABB 57120001-KY/2 2668184-178/3 DSTY 101 Inquiry
2668 180-184/0 ABB BNC Connection Module Inquiry
NTDI21-A ABB Termination Unit Inquiry
SPIIT13 ABB Inquiry
3BHE028959R0101 ABB PPC902CE101 Inquiry
3BHE004468R0021 ABB GDC780BE21 Inquiry
TPC-1270H ABB TPC-12 3BHE031734R0011 Touchscreen Operator Panel Inquiry
3BHE014557R0003 ABB UN1000b-Z,V3 Inquiry
FDPI-02 ABB 3AUA0000108650 Inquiry
1 ... 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 ... 449

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