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Apter Power provides ABB spare parts and service. We provide a full one year warranty on ABB parts, including new original, discontinued inventory and refurbished parts.

Search our inventory for the ABB part number you need, or select a ABB part number below to see our live stock levels. If you don't find the part you need, please contact us and we will be able to source the part for you.

We reserve thousands of automation and control spare parts which are produced by leading Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), supporting you an all-encompassing view through a single channel.
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Model Manufacturer Backup model Description Availability 12-month warranty Immediate dispatch Global delivery
6643149A1 ABB SLC01/SLC02 SLC01/SLC02 Termination Unit Assembly Inquiry
6643044A1 ABB SLC02 SLC02 Main Board Assembly Inquiry
6642849A1 ABB 50187 30" Hibrid Loop Monitor Cable Inquiry
6642341A1 ABB I/O To Mouse Port Cable Inquiry
6640778A1 ABB Serial Network Cable 25Pin to 9Pin Inquiry
6640657D1 ABB 3 In-Line Fan Assembly OIC/OIS Inquiry
6640369-1 ABB P/S-PDB CABLE Bailey Wiring Harness Inquiry
6640367A1 ABB SLC01/SLC02 SLC01/SLC02 Temperature/Frequence Input card Inquiry
6639055D2 ABB SLC02 SLC02 Display Assembly Inquiry
6639055D1 ABB SLC01 SLC01 Display Assembly Inquiry
6639054A1 ABB SLC01 SLC01 Faceplate w/Operator Interface PCB Inquiry
6639051A1 ABB SLC01 SLC01 Operator Interface PCB3 Inquiry
6639049D1 ABB SLC01 SLC01 Main Board Assembly Inquiry
6638866A1 ABB Bailey Module Inquiry
6638701A1 ABB CLC03/CLC04 CLC03/CLC04 Front Plate Assembly Inquiry
6638554A9 ABB EN676-INFI90-4416B OIS 20 Floppy Drive Assembly Inquiry
1 ... 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 ... 449

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