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Apter Power provides ABB spare parts and service. We provide a full one year warranty on ABB parts, including new original, discontinued inventory and refurbished parts.

Search our inventory for the ABB part number you need, or select a ABB part number below to see our live stock levels. If you don't find the part you need, please contact us and we will be able to source the part for you.

We reserve thousands of automation and control spare parts which are produced by leading Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), supporting you an all-encompassing view through a single channel.
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Model Manufacturer Backup model Description Availability 12-month warranty Immediate dispatch Global delivery
TU844 ABB 3BSE021445R1 Module Termination Unit Inquiry
TU843 ABB 3BSE021443R1 Module Termination Unit Inquiry
TU842 ABB 3BSE020850R1 Module Termination Unit Inquiry
TU840 ABB 3BSE020846R1 TU840 Termination Unit for 1+1 TB840 Inquiry
TU835V1 ABB 3BSE013236R1 TU835V1 Extended Module Termination Unit MTU 50V Inquiry
TU831V1 ABB 3BSE013235R1 Exteneded Module Termination Unit Inquiry
TU830V1 ABB 3BSE013234R1 Extended Module Termination Unit Inquiry
TP830 ABB 3BSE018114R1 TP830 Base Module Inquiry
TB840 ABB 3BSE021456R1 TB840 Modulebus Cluster Modem Inquiry
TB810 ABB 3BSE008560R1 Modulebus Optical Port Inquiry
TB805 ABB 3BSE008534R1 TB805 Bus Outlet Inquiry
SD802F ABB 3BDH000012R1 Power Supply Redundant 24V DC Inquiry
SA801F ABB 3BDH000011R1 Freelance Power Supply 115/230VAC Inquiry
PM864AK01 ABB 3BSE018161R1 PM864A Processor Unit Kit Inquiry
PM860 ABB 3BSE018110R1 PM860 Processor Module Inquiry
1 ... 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 ... 449

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